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                Chris Lynn Architects Zhejiang(Class A Qualification) is a design company that focuses on cultural implantation, architectural originality and low-carbon research in design concepts. Adhering to the design concept of cultural excavation, finding soul for land and casting the soul for architecture, the Company revolutionarily created high-rise office buildings with the efficiency rate of a house of 88%,completed the protection, renewal and urban operation design of historical and cultural ancient cities (namely Hangzhou, Suzhou and Wuyuan), and formed industry standards. Furthermore the series of Chinese-style villa buildings have won the National Habitat Classic Award seven times,the design of characteristic town projects and creative industry parks have been highly recognized by academic circles,amd the commercial real estate sector is well received by the society for its unique operation mode. Since its establishment, Chris Lynn Architects Zhejiang has undertaken a large number of influential projects in China, such as successfully presiding over the design of the 2006 Hangzhou World Leisure Expo Park, Hangzhou Venice Water City Theme Hotel, Nanning Hilton Garden Hotel, Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Villa, Shenyang Zhongnan Cartoon City Resort, etc.

                In recent years, the company has been studying and promoting green buildings, like establishment of cooperation relationship with Canadian Maple Leaf Energy Company, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Architecture, and American Pacific Energy Company, to bring green buildings to every design work, so that people can truly enjoy comprehensive benefits of green low carbon.

                Lin Song

                Lin Song / National Class I Registered Architect, Senior Engineer

                 Mr. Lin graduated from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology with a bachelor's degree in architecture in 1991, and a master's degree in architectural history and theory from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology in 1995.He was the last disciple of Zhang Sizan (leading master in Western architectural history and Chinese architecture in China). In 2000, he founded Chris Lynn Architects Zhejiang (Class A Qualification), and served as the Chairman and Chief Architect. He has been invited back to his alma mater for many times to give lectures with overwhelming response.

                Mr. Lin’s design concept emphasizes originality, attaches great importance to the improvement of regional culture and the application of new technologies. He is the chief designer of Hangzhou World Leisure Expo Park, and his works have wonmany international and national awards such as the MUSE Design Gold Award, "best development multiple units China", "Honor Awards of American Society of landscape architects", "Zhan Tianyou Award for excellent residential district", and "national classic comprehensive Award for human settlements",etc.

                His achievements in the field of architectural design have also attracted many media such as the authoritative TV media CCTV, the national character journal China Profiles to conduct an inclusive interview on him.